Okay, I'm not exactly sure how old this video I found on Throw Away Your T.V. is, but some of the footage it contains isn't new. No matter, if you hate Bill O'Reilly, you want to watch this.
I haven't made to big of a case about how evil Bill O'Reilly is, but when I saw this, I got really pissed off at him. He has some horrible things to say to this guest, who just happens to be the son of a Port Authority officer killed when the WTC collapsed. NOBODY, for any reason, should treat someone who directly suffered from that day, like this.
Now, if anyone reading this is a conservative, who happens to be a fan or supporter of Mr. O'Reilly, please don't immediately brush this aside. Please watch this. O'Reilly eventually accuses the son of the PA officer of accusing President Bush of plotting 9/11. This kid does not say that, no level-headed would say that. The Bush Administration dropped the ball, but they did not cause it; and this guy did not say that they did.
Now that I've made the once-in-a-lifetime point of defending President Bush, let's move on to the video: