Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Phone Companies Deny; Border Plan Half-baked

This is just getting weirder. Both BellSouth & Verizon deny the fact that they turned over phone record information to the NSA, as reported in an article for the NYT.

As they pointed out on CNN this morning, though, it was the wording of the company statements that could draw attention. They statements were along the lines of 'we didn't give any information to the NSA'. Which, I suppose, leaves open the possibility that they gave the records to someone else, or the information was not volutarily given. Of course, as of right now, there's no evidence to support either of those senarios.

President Bush, in his primetime address to the nation, really didn't impress anyone. The President ordered the National Guard, the official 'minutemen' of our country, to the southern border, to keep out all the illegal immigrants. Makes me wonder if Bush will bring back the rest of them from Iraq to defend our country here. That's what their supposed to do, but the President obviously doesn't know that.

The 6 thousand he's posting along the border probably aren't enough. And they won't have the ability to detain or arrest, either. This means that they'll either need to have a few Border Patrol officers with them at all times, or call BP and hope they show up before the "crossers" get away. EIther way, this will draw resources from other areas where BP could have been posted.

Once again, President Bush has an entry plan for the situation, but NO CLUE what to do when he gets there. The border security issue is an all-or-nothing-at-all situation. The U.S. needs to have the ability for 'easy entry' for those who wish to come here legally, a plan for those who are already here illegally, and a stategy for those who are willing to challenge the troops posted on the border.

Bush's plan is half-baked.



Anonymous said...

I especially love the fact that some states are going to refuse to give up their National Guard for this idiotic mission.

But at least English is finally our national language. They still haven't passed any mine-safety legislation yet, but at least they're focusing on what's REALLY important.

Armil@phone companies said...

It's great to know this fact:President Bush, in his primetime address to the nation, really didn't impress anyone. The President ordered the National Guard, the official 'minutemen' of our country, to the southern border, to keep out all the illegal immigrants. Makes me wonder if Bush will bring back the rest of them from Iraq to defend our country here. That's what their supposed to do, but the President obviously doesn't know that. Awesome and reliable information it is.