Friday, July 14, 2006

Middle East Headed To War...Again

Well, it appears that Israel & Palestinian militant group Hezbollah have escalated their conflict into a conflict, which, if eitherside is provoked in certain ways, could be turned into an all-out war.

In most countries of the world, when you exchange bomb and missle fire with another country, you're already at war. But in the Middle East, especially that area, it's reported that they're heading for a "major conflict". Israel & their Palestinian enemies are the only two countries in the would that can begin & end wars in days, without anyone winning or losing. And a few years later, it will happen again...and again.

If the U.S. would have been in this situation (thank God we haven't), we'd be at WAR by now. Of course, we'd discover, one way or another, that Cuba has some old militants lying around and end up invading them instead.

I don't think it helped matters when the U.S. vetoed the U.N. resolution condemning the attacks & that Israel pull out of Lebanon. Yes, we're their friends and allies, but sometimes, even friends make mistakes, and they need to know when you don't support their actions.

Will Israel & Hezbollah go to war, or will they make some sort of "roadmap" peace deal, which could last anywhere from 2 days to 2 decades. Every hour this conflict changes, evolving into a new campaign with new rules. Lets hope and pray for peace, before all chances of peace between these countries are lost altogether.

Let's also hope that the U.S. stays out of this for a while. Lets, for once, only help if we're called upon, or if their conflict threatens to harm innocent countries. Basically, not another Iraq.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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