Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Election Day

Well, the day is finally here. If you are registered to vote (which I really hope you are) you NEED to show up to your polling place today, and carry out one of our most important Constitutional rights.

If you are not sure who to vote for, if you want to know about who's running or what measures are up, of if you just want to follow today's news, here are a few sites which might help you.


If you are here, you are probably someone who is voting for a change. I encourage you to do so. If you are against any policies of the current administration, or don't like how Congress is being run, send a strong signal to The Powers That Be. Do NOT neglect this. If you don't vote, you won't die, but no one will feel sorry for you if you grumble how "your guy lost", since you didn't cast your ballot.

I hate to sound like a scratched CD (is that a suitable replacement for "broken record"?), but sometimes people have to be motivated.

After the results are in, I'll be back to update this place with results. Until then...



Bradley Herring said...

Already voted! Go Webb and Nachman!

Unknown said...


Sorry about Nachman's loss. I don't suppose you're the Brad who ran as in Independent in that District, are you?

Let's cross our fingers for Webb. Democrats need him; I really hope Allen's not a sore loser, after all the recounts are done.