Wednesday, August 08, 2007

AFL-CIO Democratic Debates

I'm going to forego the fact that I promised to update this site more, than took several months off. As the old adage (okay, song) goes: "It's my party [blog] and I'll cry [choose not to compose posts] if I want to" [this part works].

The debate was impressive, and addressed many issues the the "average, everyday American" was concerned about. I did note a few problems, though:

1. The candidates, as usual, didn't always completely ask the questions. I especially noticed this with Chris Dodd & John Edwards. Look, I'm glad that you walked on picket lines and support unions (my father's in a union), but I want to hear about what you WILL do, not what you HAVE done. But don't get me wrong, I want to know what you have done to help a certain issue, but perhaps that's better suited for a campaign commercial, or for a flash video on your website. Lets focus on the future, guys (and girl.) Unfortunately for us, the guy who directly answered the most questions directly was Rep. Dennis Kucinich, who was voted "Hobbit least likely to win the Presidency."

2. Joe Biden is vying for Hillary Clinton's V.P. position.

3. Not enough time is given to many of the candidates, which really bothers me. People like Gov. Bill Richardson (N.M.), who probably has more experience for the Presidency than most of the candidates combined. I should note here that while I have yet to decide on whom I will vote for, Richardson is one of my higher probables, along with Obama, and maybe Clinton. These so-called second-tier candidates have a lot of good ideas, and a lot to bring to the table, but they are simply not getting enough questions in these debates, nor enough debate between this so-called political strategists. But I don't suppose it's a problem many people can solve.

4. Rep. Dennis Kucinich is the funniest Democrat -- hands down. He was also very much correct, in respect to China.

While these problems did exist during the debates, and will most likely be present in the future, but I think that the AFL-CIO debates was the best Democratic debate yet. Maybe we should shove Presidential candidates in the middle of union members who want to protect their pension EVERY TIME there is a debate.


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