Tuesday, July 07, 2009

No Title

I sit here dumbfounded that it has been 665 days since my last post of this blog. I most likely suffered some burn-out during the drawn-out campaign process -- as an avid news junkie, almost everything I watched on television was election-based news coverage. Everything that I read, or typed, on the internet had to do with Obama, McCain, and 2008. I couldn't get enough.

It would be a logical assumption to assume that I was not the only one this happened to -- after all, with the rush to place primaries so close to the beginning of the year, resulting ever earlier campaigning by the perspective candidates, this country's election process has now become, like it or not, a two-year affair (which may or may not be longer than Gov. Sanford's affair, and Gov. Palin's career.) Politics seemed to almost become a daily burden, and while the right man won, the whole thing lasted way to long in my opinion.

It is my intent to revive this site, and if it is to be so, than it will happen; otherwise, it'll likely fizzle out like last time. The objective of this blog remains the same -- as the title says, these posts are the ideas, thoughts, and views of a Democrat, me, and anyone whom wishes may read my thoughts (at least those thoughts which are transcribed here anyway, for the rest is likely too dirty, and nobody would want it.)


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