Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Department Of Homeland Sex Soliciting?

I was about to post a "DeLay-ed" post about Rep. Tom DeLay pulling out of his re-election bid, and I still will, but I found this interesting...

Brian J. Doyle, who currently serves as the deputy press secretary for the Department of Homeland Security, and who's job is to be one of the faces of DHS, to get the agency's actions into (or keep them out of) the media spotlight, is now in it.

Doyle was arrested on charges of "use of a computer to seduce a child and transmission of harmful material to a minor." Doyle thought he was talking to, and trying to seduce, was not a 14-year-old girl, but a Polk County Sheriff Dept. Detective.

It gets worse. Doyle sent pornography clips to the "girl". He sent pictures to her, which were not of sexual nature, but instead pictures of him IN the DHS offices, while WEARING his credentials. He felt it was okay to give her the number to the government issued cell phone. Doyle also asked the "girl" to purchase a webcam & perform sexual acts while on camera.

The evening in which he was to see her on camera, and while he was currently talking to the undercover detective, the police paid a visit to his house. They cuffed & stuffed the deputy press secretary, and, earning the title of sexual predator, is now being held in the county jail.

This is really sick. He was the fourth highest ranking official at the DHS, and you'd think he'd know better, being in the public spotlight. Actually, he just should've known better...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would LOVE to see the Republican spin if it turned out this guy's a dyed-in-the-wool conservative. I can't even imagine how creative they would get.