Friday, December 29, 2006

Saddam's Execution Imminent...Maybe

Hopefully everybody had a Merry Christmas. Mine was merry and bright, but not white, sadly. It was rainy on Christmas Eve, but dry on Christmas Day, which is always nice.

As everyone knows by now, former President Gerald Ford, the only man never to be elected to either the Vice Presidency or Presidency, has died at the age of 93. He held out just long enough to claim the record of longest living former president from Ronald Reagan. If you are hoping to see a sweeping article about Ford's interesting presidency, you've come to the wrong place. I'll leave the news outlets to that sort of thing. I wasn't around yet when he was President, so I don't really have any firsthand knowledge of how he did his job.

Moving on to the world's biggest former annoyance, Saddam Hussein...

Saddam could be executed in a matter of hours, tomorrow, or by Sunday, depending on which Iraqi minister who wants his 15 minutes you want to believe. Supposedly, "key legal issues" have been hashed out, which has cleared the path to Saddam's hanging. One course to the news outlets has the Iraqi P.M. still talking to judges and other political figures, trying to figure out when this will take place.

Whenever that may be, it'll do to things. 1) it will shut up that bearded fool (who would look like Mel Gibson if he grew his beard out longer) and we won't have to hear about him anymore and, 2) his execution will more than likely piss off his "followers" (i.e. the al-Qaeda branch who uses his removal as a reason to finally kill their enemies) to the point that a massive surge of violence will ensue, causing many deaths. Of course, to counter the massive surge in violence, President Bush will want to add more troops, and go against everything that everybody is telling him...

...If you give a mouse a cookie.


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