Thursday, January 04, 2007

Transfer Of Power

Happy New Year everybody!

The Democrat Congressmen (and women) who seized control of Congress after the November elections were sworn in today, marking the beginning of the 100th Congress. Leading them are two ground breakers.

Nancy Pelosi is the first woman ever to become Speaker of the House of Representatives, finding herself "two heartbeats" away from the Presidency, as the media continues to remind us. Rep. Pelosi is now the most powerful woman in U.S., overthrowing the former U.S.'s most powerful woman, Madeleine Albright. New Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is the first Mormon to lead the Senate. A Muslim & two Buddhists also expand the makeup of the next Congress.

The first day of Work in the House was pretty lax, with many praises of Pelosi, the newly elected representatives, the voters, and America as a whole. Things soon changed back to normal, when the first votes, dealing with rules and ethics changes, went along party lines. But I wonder how that could be? After all, didn't the Republicans want to continue the "bipartisanship" that they had under the 12 years of GOP rule?

What's left of the first 100 hours will show that the voters hopefully made a good choice last November.


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