Saturday, January 13, 2007

Recent Democratic News

Recent Democratic News:

Denver has been chosen to host the 2008 Democratic convention. I think them choosing Denver oven a "blue powerhouse" like New York is a good idea.

70% of Americans oppose the President's troop surge for Baghdad. As one Congresswoman pointed out, there have been numerous "troop surges", some with more than the 20,000 troops now slated to go, and they have not worked; so why will this one?

The Democrats, while somewhat divided on how to do it, have vowed to resist the surge of U.S. troops in Iraq. Hearings by the House Armed Services Committee & the Senate Foreign relations Committee have been taking place the last few days.

The House of Representatives has recently passed a bill providing government funding to stem-cell research, with a vote of 253-174. It will probably have a harder time passing the Senate, and the President, as stubborn as he is, will not sign it, simply because he refuses to do tests on embryos that are already slated to be destroyed, instead of developing cures for diseases and conditions which could save millions of lives. This is foolish; people who are currently alive should come first over embryos that are sitting in a cooler.

The Iraqi Health Ministry has put the number of Iraqi deaths in 2006 at 22, 950. That's a lot of Iraqis. If the death toll for the other years we've been in Iraq is half of that, it already blows the U.S. count out of the water.


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