Sunday, January 21, 2007

Bill Richardson Announces Presidential Committee Formation

While considered by most to not be as exciting as a former First Lady running for President, Gov. Bill Richardson of New Mexico has announced he is forming a Presidential Exploratory Committee, to assess whether or not he has the popularity to become President. One thing he certain does have, though, is th experience.

Governor Richardson's political resume is something many politicians would pay to see. He was elected to Congress from the NM 3rd District in 1982, serving a little over 14 years in the House of Representatives. While Congressman, he traveled to Iraq and negotiated with Saddam Hussein for the release of two American aerospace workers. He was appointed the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations in 1997 by President Bill Clinton. A year later Clinton made him Secretary of Energy, where he stay until the end of Clinton's term. In January of 2003, he took office as Governor of New Mexico.

Richardson certainly is the man of experience, and might make a good President, or Vice President, if he doesn't win the nomination. Definitely yet another one to keep an eye on.

But like Sen. Obama says "you don't run to be Vice President."


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