Thursday, January 26, 2006

Breaking News: Hamas Wins & No Alito Miracle


The results of the Palistinian election are in...the terrorists...I mean, Hamas, has won a majority of the 132-seat Palestinian Lesislature. When the results are finalized, Hamas will remove the Fatah Party, founded in 1965 by Yasser Arafat, from power.

Hamas disagrees with a recent exil poll that they would win, but NOT majority. Hasmas claims that they indeed DID win majority. Hamas boycotted the last election, which took place in 1996.

Prime Minister Ahmed Qorie acknowledged the majority win and announced that he and the Cabinet would resign. Qorie suggested that he would not help in forming the new government.

Only time will tell if this really has a long-term impact on the Middle-East Peace Process.

For more, click here to visit


Pending some sort of Republican epiphany, where they all of a sudden realize they stand for (many) of the wrong things, I think that Judge Samuel Alito will become JUSTICE Samuel Alito, the 109th appointed. (That # seems wrong to me?)

Yes, Alito will most likey be confirmed. It's not going to be too much fun watching the Confirmation vote, mostly because a majority of each party and has already stated HOW they're going to vote.

Now, before you start grumbling that the Democrats "ALWAYS" vote together with it's something the Republican President wants, it's NOT trure, we don't . . .

(Pretend I'm addressing a Republican (Senator) )

Adam: Republicans think the Democrats only vote together, and that they'll "ALL" vote against Alito. I'll ask you, how many Republicans are voting AGAINST Alito ? ? ?
Senator: None, that I can think of.
Adam: Don't you think THAT'S wrong?
Senator: No, because Alito will make a great Justice, and is well qualified.
Adam: So, 40+ Democrats are COMPLETELY wrong? If they can ALL be wrong, who do you know that ALL the Republicans aren't WRONG? (By now, I've rudely interrupted). Last time I checked, there were at least two, maybe three Senators voting FOR Alito. WHo can we mostly all be wrong, Senator? Are the Republicans ALWAYS right? Is that why THEY always vote together?

Anywho, I kind of got bored there, so sorry if that whole conversation is pretty campy.

You know, I just really don't care whether he's confirmed of not. I know I should, but for some reason, I just really don't care. There are currently no cases, current or someday to come, that will strip me of my personal rights, that I'm aware of.

I'm not a woman, so I don't need to worry about Roe v. Wade. Even if I were a woman, which I'm NOT, I probably wouldn't have a need to have an abortion, but I suppose that if I ever were in a situation where I needed one, it'd be nice to know that's there.

I don't know anyone overseas, so I don't need to worry about "Domestic" oh, wait, "International" wiretapping. Actually, I have an uncle overseas, but I doubt that emails between my he and my dad of grandparents would be monitored, because 1) He has the same last name, 2) Our last name isn't Middle-Eastern sounding, 3) He lives in England, our best-est allie, & 4) upon further review, they'll find we're all WHITE. Sadly, if you contact a friend named Sayid al-Abhou, who's Middle Eastern & Lives in Saudi Arabia, this administration will be reading you emails.

I can't name anymore right now, maybe because I'm tired, but there's probably something that can take rights away from African, Mexican, Asian, other Latin, Native, and maybe even Russian, -Americans.

I DO actually care about these cases. I just really don't care about Alito. And since no Democrats are throwing the Philly-Steak Sandwich & Peanut-Buster Parfait around (Hmmm...), Alito will be confirmed, and, as I said in a previous post, I'll never hear about him again. I'll hear about the "reformed" Court, I'm sure, but I won't hear about "Alito" too much.

Get it over with, and make it stop! This way, we can move on and focus on winning in 2006!

-Adam, trying to avoid the Left arrow key :-)

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