Friday, January 27, 2006

A Whole Lot of Alito


When Chief Justice John Roberts went through Confirmation hearings, and was Confirmed by the Senate, it was covered by all the news networks. However, throughout the whole onfirmation, there was nowhere near as much coverage of Roberts as there is of Alito.

One reason is that he's replacing one of the most volatile members of the court. While in reality, the other four didn't vote and Renquist would say "It's four - four, Sandy; How are you gonna vote?", Sandra Day O'Conner, I believe, knew she would be the deciding vote. However, I don't think she was ever influenced by this fact.

Back to Alito. He will never be able to fill her shoes, even if they do vote differently. I think that's part of the reason that the news is covering it so much more. But I believe there's another reason, too. And that is that Alito is not as squeaky-clean as Roberts. As you know, some of his rulings are controversial.

And it seems apparant, now, that there will be a fillibuster. And while the Republicans say they have the sixty votes to halt any such attempt, the Democrats say they have the 41 votes to authorize the continuation of a fillibuster.

If I were in the Senate, I probably wouldn't partake in the fillibuster (unless everybody else was doing it!), but I might just vote to uphold it. I also probably would have voted for Roberts. Although, I'm not olf enough to be elected to the Senate. (You have to be 25!)

Anyway, all of us political bloggers are on Alito watch, so check back Tuesday, if not before, to hear the latest on Alito.


Ann Coulter, I hate her, suggested at a lecture that "We need somebody to put rat poisoning in Justice Stevens' creme brulee." She then went on to say "That's just a joke, for you in the media."

...for you in the media? That means that she wouldn't mind if someone did poison. It' like saying "I'm gonna kill actor xxx, but I'm just joking, security." C'mon, Coulter. She also cut off two members in the crowd at the lecture, saying "I'm not going to be lectured to." At one point in the lecture, she said the crack cocaine problem "has pretty much gone away." She is so stupid!

Justice John Paul Stevens, the oldest and currently longest serving Supreme Court Justice.

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