Thursday, January 19, 2006

Email Change / Poll Results


Okay, I've changed the Email address to Yeah, there's not much of a difference between "info" and "admin", but I did it anyway. The old one, "info" is still active, so for those of you not reading this, your Email's won't go unread. I'll probably just leave it active, so use whatever you want.


Here are the Poll Results to the old poll, about the Presidential Primaries.


Hillary Clinton - 5
Al Gore - 1
John Kerry - 1
John Edwards - 1
Evan Bayh - 1
Mark Warner - 1
Joe Biden - 0
Tom Vilsack - 0
Bill Richardson - 0
Barack Obama - 0


John McCain - 3
Mitt Romney - 2
Condelezza Rice - 1
Rudy Giuliani - 1
Jeb Bush - 0
Bill Frist - 0
Chuck Hagel - 0
George Pataki - 0
Rick Santorum - 0
Dick Cheney - 0

From my Democratic point of view, it looks like people either want a Democrat, OR Republican with drastically different views than the current administration. We'll see if these numbers stand true.




Anonymous said...

By "people" you mean people who would visit a site devoted to Democratic political views. That's fine, just not terribly informative. One would guess that such people would either be democrats or extremely moderate republicans if they are visiting your site and participating in your poll. It's kind of like asking the patrons of a gay bar who is more attractive: Patrick Swayze or Jessica Simpson. The gay guys will pick Patrick, and so will any women who might be in the place, but that doesn't mean that "people" think Patrick is more attractive than Jessica.

What it does tell me, however, is that you democrat types are rooting for "H" big time, and you know what I'm talkin' about. Although, I would say the administration of democratviews (admin@... get it?) is like a plantation, but maybe we can rebuild a chocolate Democrat Views, no matter what the folks uptown say about it.

Unknown said...

Yes, many Democrats are hoping that Hillary Clinton becomes President. Many more aren't ready to throw complete support behind her unless (until?) she is the Democratic nominee. I HONESTLY don't understand WHY people, namely Republicans, don't like Mrs. Clinton. And they hate her, even as a Senator.

Is it because she's NOT ultra-Liberal? Is it because she's very popular in New York? Is it because she is the wife of one of the highest approved of in recent history? Is it becuae she stood by her husband during his scandal? Or is it because she's the Democratic Frontrunner, no wait...she's THE Frontrunner to BE President in 2008?

Oh, and referencing to those remarks...

Everybody (except MAYBE a few white Republicans) agreed with Senator Clinton's remarks.

As far as Ray Nagin (spelling?), I can understand he wants to comfort a majority of the people, who happen to have dark skin, and he apologized. But before you criticize him, what was it that Trent Lott said? If Strom Thurmond, the Black-hater, would have won the Presidency, the would would have been a better place?

Oh, that's right, Lott apologized, too. Except Nagin's remarks, while not right, weren't racist.

Oh, must be that "Washington Mis-speak"!