Sunday, January 08, 2006

God Help THESE People!

Someone pointed out this site on another site I visit.

This is really sick. I don't know HOW these people think that they're doing the "right" thing!

Visit here:

I thought I've heard of this site before. Basically, this "Church", if you want to call it that, thinks that homosexuals are responible for everything thats EVER gone wrong in this world! From 9/11 to Hurricane Katrine, they say that people who are gay are responsible for all of it.

For more information on them, here's the Wikipedia article:

The Bible says that Homosexuality is wrong. But you know what, it doesn't bother me what people do in their lives. Why should it? As long as a gay man doesn't try to chase me down and have his way with me, I'm fine with their choices.

And you know what, if they DON'T end up going to Heaven when they die, WHY should it bother ME? I don't personally know any gay people. I know of people who are homosexual, but none of them do I see or talk to, unless we happen to run into them at the store. Better yet, why should it bother the people who set up that dispicable site?

Those people need to get lives. You can spread the Word of God, just don't drag people down in the process. I don't know of any religion, as a whole, who promotes the degrading of people who aren't JUST like them. That's NOT the right thing to do!

To make matters worse, that site has a link to another site, also owned by them, which is called God Hates America! I don't think ANYONE hates America. I really dislike the current leaders of the U.S., but I DO NOT hate America!

People like that should be shot.

God help those who set up that site!

UPDATE: It turns out the Preacher there was thrown out of his old Church, and those who follwed him to Westboro are either blood or marriage related. Infact, members aren't able to marry outside the "church", so this had led to certain levels of Inbreeding!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with the points you made. Fred isn't really THERE at all. I think he should be put in an old man's home.