Saturday, December 24, 2005

Merry Christmas, Everyone!

Merry Christmas, Everyone!

I hope all of you have a good day tomorrow. I hope you have great food, great presents, and great family discussions!

For those of you who don't celebrate Christmas, I sincerely hope you have a Happy Holidays, no matter what religion you are.

For those of who who celebrate the Winter Solstice instead of a religious holiday, please have a good one. Wait, that arleady passed, didn't it? Well, I hope you did have a good one!

Remember to celebrate well, however you happen to celebrate this type of year!

I don't plan on posting anything till a day or two after Christmas, but knowing this country, you better check in often, because you never know what may churn up over the holiday season!

Merry Christmas! Hope it's a good one!!!


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