Saturday, December 10, 2005

Which Station Do You Watch?

I want to take a poll. I know many of you come here, read, and leave. This is fine, but I'd like if you'd comment on this one.

I want to know what channel you watch. The nominees are:


CNN, MSNBC, FOX News, Regional (NWCN, etc.)

Or, if you don't watch T.V. news, tell me what paper you read.

Please post your answers in the comments section. You may have noticed that Comment Moderation was on earlier. It is now OFF. Please, feel free to post.

I currently watch CNN, MSNBC, and local news. I watch FOX News or Regional news when nothing else is on!



Anonymous said...

I get most of my news via the internet. Also, we don't have cable/satellite anymore, but when we did I watched Fox News if there was a story I really wanted to hear more about. Sometimes we watch NBC or Fox local news at night, but moreso because of the personalities rather than the ideaological perspectives. I live in St. Louis.

I just started a blog myself back in the end of November. I am very much a conservative, and even part of the ghastly religious right. I will be coming back here to check out your thoughts from time to time. You can find my blog at if you'd like. I don't have a ton of political stuff put up there yet, but one of my big issues is the liberal media. I'll bet we'd have a lot to talk about if we sat down at a Starbucks one morning!

Unknown said...

THANK YOU! I as hoping someone wit an opposing view would show up here.

I'll take a look a your blog. I've been thinking of posing an opposing blog or two. I'll keep it in mind.

I be we would have a LOT to talk about, but I assure you, I can accept opposing views. I'm not SO far right hat I'd like to kill all those who disagree with me (most of the time, anyway!)

Wait, I've been to your site before! Do you post about "Lost" at